What is Time Line Therapy?

It is the most effective method for creating quick, lasting, effective change for you. It is extremely safe, quick results and truly effective.

  • We discover the direction and location of your Time Line.
  • We discover the root cause or first event for a negative emotion or limiting decision.
  • We release a negative emotion. (Including: anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt)
  • We remove limiting decisions.
  • Change the direction/location of the Time Line.
  • Install a goal/event in your future in a way that creates it happening.

Timeline therapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming offers a bold, fast and effective way of treatment, away from the standard treatment regimens and drug therapy. This moves towards an alternative approach that teaches you techniques and gives you tools needed to break free from the bondage, overcome negative emotions and limiting beliefs of the haunting trauma.These techniques are used assist with challenges such as health and fitness, very effective with weight loss and resisting cravings, family and parenting styles, conflict resolution (corporate or personal) relationships, manage your career and finances and your intellectual and spiritual life.

It is all about your beliefs, your thoughts, your feelings and the results of your attitude and behavior.

Your mind maybe small but it controls EVERYTHING!

What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?

Neuro – to do with the brain and the neurological systems in the body. It’s about how you process information and experience the world.

Linguistic – Language. It’s not just about language, rather about processing information using your 5 senses (taste, smell, see, hear, feel), gut instinct and intuition.

Programming – Tools given to replace negative behaviors with something that is more in line with who you are.

How can NLP help you?

The uses of NLP are far reaching, but some practical examples are:

Resolving Anxiety & Negative feelings

Overcoming Phobias

Improving Skills in Public Speaking & Presentations

Conflict Resolution

Changing Damaging Habits & Behaviours

Developing Management & Leadership Skills

Learning Rapid Stress Relieving Techniques

Listening Effectively

Building, Maintaining & Motivating Teams

Creating Long-lasting Relationships

Setting & Meeting Performance Goals

Identifying People's Natural Learning Styles

It’s time to take action or nothing will change!

Great things don’t come from comfort zones. Life is what you create it to be.

Don’t let your current challenges discourage you from achieving what you want in your life. Don’t allow people get comfortable with disrespecting you. Don’t allow others to define who you are, its not their place. You are always in control of your own being.

What you think of yourself is far more important than what others think of you, so be true to yourself.


Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your voice matters.

My life is my message. You have my full support in discovering your story, your message and your purpose.

To find out more leave your information in the contact us tab and I will be sure to connect with you, also subscribe to the newsletter to get regular updates on interesting topics of discussion.

My Success Story: Maggie Naidoo

Time Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy and NLP, has made the most profound transformation in my life. All my negative emotions and limiting beliefs that hindered me from moving forward. I Felt as though I needed to unzip my head to let all the ‘Shtuff’ out. My experience during the sessions were like a vacuum cleaner sucking out all negativity from my mind, allowing me to have the space I needed to think clearly, and effortlessly. Now I am refreshed and focused to assist you achieve the same results in your life.

Hear our success stories

Check out our testimonials and how Maggie has helped changed the lives of so many.

Dawid Dorfling

I have been dealing with stress, loss and pain that is not possible to explain for many years. Diagnosed with a Pituitary tumor, to losing both my parents within 2 years, and dealing with broken friendships. I started Time Line Therapy and it took only 2 weeks and 5 sessions to achieve my amazing results. I now sleep at night, waking up feeling energized, focused and in a good mood. Maggie, you have given back my life to me and I thank you so much. “I am in control and that my choices are mine”. I look forward to the future.